With Dave Andrews

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Have you ever thought to yourself, "I wish I could be as successful as (Meryl Streep, Bill/Melinda Gates, Oprah, Jimmy Fallon, or ____?" If so you are not alone. The desire to learn, to become more emotionally healthy, to grow spiritually, to give back to others in need, and to improve your quality of life now and in the future are just a few examples of some hopes and dreams shared by millions.

But why is it that some people seem to almost effortlessly move in the direction of their goals, while others find themselves getting stuck yet again—watching another friend, loved one, or coworker achieve the results that they have been unable to? 

The happiest people, those that are living authentic lives and experiencing personal & professional success, know one of the secrets to accomplishing this. And it's not complicated.

Hire a talented & experienced coach.

Great coaches know you're greatest advantage is "YOU!"

They know how to help you create results where you have been unable to in the past.

They know how to guide you through the process of self-awareness and inner enlightenment.

And most importantly, they know how to help you discover & share your best self.

As Marianne Williamson captures so beautifully, what scares us the most is doing what we were born to do...

If You Want to Achieve Personal & Professional Success with Greater Ease and Flow, as Well As Get Additional Support and Help as You Take Control of Your Life Back from Alcohol, Then Breakthrough Coaching With Dave Andrews Might Be a Perfect Fit.

About Dave Andrews

You might know Dave as co-author of The 30-Day Sobriety Solution with best-selling author Jack Canfield, but he’s also been a featured ‘sobriety expert’ on more than 100 national & international talk shows and has established himself as ‘America’s #1 Sobriety Coach,’ having accumulated over 5,000 hours of private coaching & 1,000 hours of group coaching working with highly accomplished men & women ranging in age from early 20's to late 70's

His clients include top performers in a wide range of industries & professions, including CEO's & Fortune 500 Executives, MDs, PhDs, Lawyers, Nurses, University Professors, Teachers, Real Estate Agents, Sales Executives & Therapists.  

Dave has extensive training & certifications, which include being a Certified Comprehensive Positive Psychology Coach, a Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Private Practitioner, and a Strategic Intervention Coach & Marriage Educator and is currently working towards his Master-Level Coach Certification. Dave also completed the Peer Recovery Coach Certification training while serving on the board of directors for Advocates for Recovery and holds a Master of Science degree from Regis University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Colorado.

Dave is Currently Accepting New Clients ($180/Hour). If You're Ready to Live Up To Your Full Potential And Design A Life You Love, Then Book Your FREE No Obligation 15-Minute Coaching Consultation Session With Dave Click the Button Below or Go HERE. Coaching sessions are usually completed via phone, although Skype & Zoom sessions are available. If you already know you want to begin working with me you do not have to book the 15-minute consultation call prior to our first session.

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